How Much Information Do You Have?
The first time that I really became aware of the vast array of information available to me for use in marketing my clients’ businesses, it blew me away.
One of the best sources of information is your local library.
Call the reference desk and ask where you need to look for specific information. The librarians will lead you to many sources that you never knew existed.
Most of the recommended resources may be within the library walls or available through the library Web site. In fact, some librarians will do research for you if you just ask them for their help.
My local list broker, Ted Kelter, Vice President of Burnett Direct of Farmington Hills, Michigan, is a great information source. I call him on a regular basis and pick his brain. Ted has been an invaluable resource when I am digging for information to use to market my clients’ products/services.
His “list” advice and direct marketing expertise have been a very profitable resource for my clients.
I suggest that you call Ted 248-932-7100 or look for list brokers in your area. Get to know them and use their services.
Here are some other information source possibilities: I often consult my local Chamber of Commerce because they know who is new in town, who is leaving town, and why.
The local newspapers are great for monitoring the advertisements that your competitions are running. Also, classified ads in newspapers will tell you who is hiring. Bankruptcy lists will tell you where to buy inexpensive equipment that you can use to grow your business.
Local college business offices are another great source to find out who is hiring. They also can connect you with “interns,” college students who are inexpensive to hire and can bring fresh ideas to your business.
David J. Mahoney, Jr.
Your local “Yellow Pages” and “Online Yellow Pages” have been a consistent source for new business.
For example: I Look for industries that spend a lot of money in the various “Yellow Pages,” and I offer my marketing services to them. The advertising in the “Yellow Pages” will inform you about how much competition you have and how your competitors advertise their services.
Another great source of information is in the Federal Government reports that are available on the Web. A starting point for finding them is (Library of Congress). There are thousands of reports available on many subjects. Some of these reports are free, while there may be a very small fee for others. Also, the Web is an endless source of information that can be found almost instantly. If you can think of it, it usually can be found.
What information do you need today that could help you to market your business tomorrow?
Where are you going to go to find it?