Does your business communicate a positive attitude?
Do you have a written “Mission Statement” that explains what your business is about?
Does this statement represent the vision, purpose, and aspirations that your business communicates to the world?
More importantly, do you tell your customers and prospective clients about your mission statement in every marketing effort that you create?
What should this statement include?
Typically, it will include your USP or SOB (statement of benefit). It also will include what “attitude” your business is trying to communicate.
Is your business and marketing attitude friendly, exclusive, or inviting?
Is It classy, low-priced, or responsive?
The list could be endless.
“Ability is what you’re capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you can do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.”
– Lou Holtz
It is important how you integrate your attitude into your marketing.
If the public sees and hears your positive attitude, then they will know and understand that you are proud of what you sell.
They also will know that you are very serious about your business and are willing to go the extra mile to keep them happy.
Your attitude should tell them that your business is ready to be their sole source —their “go-to” solution.
Your attitude should be communicated in everything that you do and say. If each of your marketing efforts is consistent and professional, then prospects will pick up on your attitude.
When the statements that you make in your marketing efforts are positive and consistent, your clients and prospects should understand that you will deliver on them.
This builds their confidence in you and will increase your sales. Consistency and attitude are the keys to getting people to remember your business.
Do you know what your company’s attitude is?
Are you getting this message to your customers and prospects every day?
Do you ask yourself regularly, “Is this information reaching my clients?”