5 Simple Secrets To Social Media Marketing Success To Grow Business
By Sandy Barris
Let’s face it, you can’t go a day without hearing about, seeing the effects of or feeling your gut telling you learn more social media marketing techniques to help your grow your business.
Social media marketing (SMM) is everywhere.
You watch a news report and the newscaster gives you their Twitter name and asks you to Tweet them. Your best friend puts up a Facebook page and asks you why you don’t have one yet? Your boss asks you to create a Linked In page for him and to get him connected with as many of your clients, suppliers and prospects as possible.
And, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Here are a few mind-boggling social media stats to ponder.
900,000,000 — active Facebook users
400,000,000 — average daily Tweets
900,000 — average number of blog posts in a 24 hour period
Nielsen Online shows that: Social networks and blogs are now the 4th most popular online activity ahead of personal email. Member communities are visited by 67% of the global online population; time spent is growing at 3 times the overall Internet rate, accounting for almost 10% of all Internet time. Wow. And to think it’s exponential. Today, this. Tomorrow?
So, how can your use social media marketing to help grow your business?
- Social media marketing is a great way to generate traffic to your website. Every time you post anything anywhere, complete your post with your contact information, a call to action and a link back to your Website, landing page or your Blog.
- ost to your blog every 2-3 days. Post tips, tactics and techniques. Reveal secrets, “how-to’s” and ideas. Keep your content fresh and it will be picked up by the searched engines and served up as valuable information when someone hits on one of the keywords in your blog posts. If you don’t have a blog, see tip No. 3 below.
- Post comments on other people’s blogs, on message boards, on forums and Facebook posts. Answer peoples questions, Help solve their problems and ask for there help solving your problems too. Post book reviews on Amazon and other book seller sites. Every post will help to build your credibility in that community. Let’s face it, he more credibility you build, the more likely people will click on your signature link to see what else you have to say and offer.
- Create Pod cast and videos of your content and distribute using the many free and paid distribution services on the Internet. One of my favorites Websites for video distribution is Tube Mogul, a free service that sends your videos in the correct format to 26 different website for video distribution, saving you time. Plus they have great tracking tools to see how far and wide your videos are distributed.
- Use your public profiles as an integral part of your Social Media Marketing plans and Search Engine Marketing strategy. Everyone searches online, including your prospects and customers. Having strong, keyword ladden, public pages helps people find you fast. Every time you put up a new public page, or update an existing one, it calls the search engines and let’s them know to come and see the new information. As you create your profiles you are actually build up your name recognition, and making it easier for people to find you, and you want to be found, don’t you?
The benefits of Social Media Marketing are hugely important in their role as a search engine marketing strategy. The more traffic to your website and blogs, the more connections you make, equals more awareness, leading to sales and higher profits for you and your business.
When will you start your social media marketing plan and kick it into high gear?
And when you need help with your Search Engine Marketing, PPC and Google Adword Campaigns. I’d be happy to help you any way I can. Google Disclosure Notice