Sales Calls On Fire Demo Ready and…

Sales Calls On FireANNOUNCING: Sales Calls On Fire Demo is ready and waiting for you to test it.

That’s right, after 3-months of hard work the Sales Calls On Fire Mobile Web App is ready for your help.

But first, let me tell you a little about it.

As a sales guy, I was always using paper and pencil to track my sales behavior and activity.

You know, how many calls made per day. How many appointments per week. How many sales and the dollar value of each sale.

OK, only first borns track this stuff. Well maybe. Because after surveying 2,100 people it turns out, many sales people are trying to track their sales behavior and activity.

Most are using some form of CRM too and complaining they have too many bells and whistles and just want to track activity, not all the other stuff build into these tools.

So I got to work, and after a year of ideas, I went to StartUpWeekend Detroit and a few programmers and a graphic designer got what I had in mind. So within 52 hours, the graphics and initial coding was developed. Then they all quit because I would not give them equal shares. Oh well, their loss.

So, I found another programmer and we came to an upfront agreement, a bit of cash and I’d help him market his services. Within 6 weeks we now have a working demo.

Now that’s where YOU come in.

I’m looking for a limited number of sales pros to help test Sales Calls On Fire and let me know what you like, hate and would love to see changed.

That said, If you want to demo Sales Calls On Fire, please shoot an email to and I’ll shoot you back access to the mobile web app.

For more info check out

I look forward to your help, wise feedback and anything else you’d like me to know about Sales Calls On Fire.

By the way, here’s my formal description of Sales Calls On Fire from my executive summary:
The Personal Sales Motivation and Metrics Mobile App for Sales and Marketing Professionals.
Calls On Fire will help millions of Sales and Marketing Professionals keep track of their personal sales activity/behavior and goals progress in real-time and positively motivate each one to reach their goals without all the typical confusion and frustration of using existing CRM tools.

So, check out Sales Calls On Fire, demo it and please share with me your no-holds barred feedback.


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