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Category Archives: marketing
What’s competing for your undivided attention right now?
Precise, targeted marketing is indispensable for every business because when you know exactly who will buy your products or services, you can save thousands of marketing dollars by directly contacting only those people who have an ‘affinity’ to buy what you are selling. Continue reading
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Is being an entrepreuner a blessing or a curse?
Do you feel that being in business for yourself is a blessing? If not, stop and think about this: In what other part of your life can you go out on a limb, pursue your dreams, and meet your fears … Continue reading
Posted in business, business personality, Business Plans, change, decisions, How, marketing, money, motivation, passion, purpose
Tagged business, ideas, planning, plans, success, tips
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Is Your Business Doomed Before Your Get Started?
It’s a tough question. One of the most significant factors in causing a business to fail is creating the product/service first, and the market (the need for the product/service) second. This is the opposite of what many people think needs … Continue reading
Posted in business, decisions, focus, marketing, research, testing
Tagged market test, planning, start-up, startup. business startup, testing
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Thank You Jay…
My friend, colleague and marketing mentor Jay Conrad Levinson just passed away yesterday. He was eighty years young. Continue reading
Posted in marketing
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Sales Calls On Fire elbowed its way into the #8 position in the App Store
Very exciting news this month: My first iPhone app (“Sales Calls On Fire”) the weekend of March 11th elbowed its way into the #8 position in the App Store Business Category. It’s now steady in the top 200 in the … Continue reading
Two Sides of the Sales Sphere
Most businesses profit more from additional sales than they do from a first sale. For that reason, it’s important to know whether you want a customer for the long term or if you’re making a one-shot sale. Continue reading
What “Big News” do you use to promote your business?
Is there a big event happening locally, regionally, statewide, nationally or even internationally that you could associate your business with? I am always considering how newsworthy events can be incorporated into my marketing. Continue reading